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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at starkandwayne/shield-boshrelease. It was created based on the commit c2df3ed5.

Release Notes

New Features

  • Added a new Web UI for SHIELD to manipulate configs, schedule and run tasks, as well as see what’s going on in SHIELD.
  • Added a new validation mode for plugins, so they can validate their endpoint configuration prior to running the job, and during configuration updates.
  • Added a new /v1/status/internal API to shield-daemon to provide better visibility into the internals of the shieldd daemon
  • Added a recovery mode to shield-agent, for emergency restoration. This is mostly focused at allowing one to restore BOSH or SHIELD from a backup, prior to having shield-daemon up and running, after a disaster. For details, see our Disaster Recovery wiki page.
  • Upon restart of shield-daemon, any pending tasks are re-scheduled, for cases where shield-daemon is restarted in the middle of scheduling a task to run.


  • shield restore archive prompts you for targets, rather than jobs, and properly filters the archive list to the target you specified. This makes it easier to restore an archive for a specific service, even if you have multiple jobs (hourly, daily, weekly, etc) for it.
  • The fs plugin now implements store functionality, and can be used as both target and store, to save local backups on the shield-agent machine.
  • Added a lot of default settings for JSON endpoint configurations to make configuration all the easier.
  • Refactored a lot of logic that used to live in-memory of the shield-daemon into the database, paving the way for many planned improvements to the daily operation of SHIELD.
  • Made shield.agent.autoprovision an optional property, and set it to ignore failures on auto-provisioning, so that one can deploy a shield-agent before the IP of the shield-daemon is known. This will be followed up on with #15 for a long-term solution:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where shield-daemon was keeping connections to shield-agents open after completing tasks, exhausting available file descriptors for the daemon
  • Fixed an issue where tasks were incorrectly being marked as canceled after their timeout window expired, even if they had completed (successfully or failed)
  • Fixes an issue where weekly backups could send SHIELD into a loop of job re-execution.


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "shield"
  version: "5"
  url: ""
  sha1: "4565c6a72cb375123f03a310e12635eb9059c81b"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 4565c6a72cb375123f03a310e12635eb9059c81b \

