You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry/diego-release. It was created based on the commit b8a9e69b
Release Notes¶
Changes from v1.15.2 to v1.15.3
- Verified with garden-runc-release v1.6.0.
- Verified with garden-windows-bosh-release v0.4.0.
- Verified with etcd-release v104.
- Verified with cf-mysql-release v35.
- Verified with cflinuxfs2-release v1.118.0.
Significant changes
BBS Benchmarks
Container Placement
Local Route Emitters
Multi-Buildpack Support
- cloudfoundry/buildpackapplifecycle #17: Multiple buildpack support
- As a multi-buildpack buildpack user, the multi-buildpack buildpack runs /bin/supply scripts for non-final buildpacks
- As a multi-buildpack buildpack user, the multi-buildpack buildpack creates necessary directories for buildpacks
- Convert multi-buildpack to Golang
- As a multi-buildpack buildpack user, the multi-buildpack buildpack cleans the cache directory
- As a compile-extensions-using buildpack user, my buildpack is able to make use of other buildpack dependencies
- As a multi-buildpack buildpack user, the final buildpack’s /bin/supply script is run if it exists
Manifest Generation
- As a Diego operator, I expect the manifest-generation script to allow configuration of the garden-runc debug server, enabling it by default
- As a Diego operator, I expect to be able to generate a CF-compatible manifest even if the CF manifest does not container the metron_endpoint.shared_secret property
BOSH job changes
BOSH property changes
BOSH link changes
You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases
- name: "diego" version: "1.15.3" url: "https://bosh.io/d/github.com/cloudfoundry/diego-release?v=1.15.3" sha1: "6b1eb84bb7af3a2c3cbcaa2e47f82d784610c3e7"
Or upload it to your director with the upload-release
bosh upload-release --sha1 6b1eb84bb7af3a2c3cbcaa2e47f82d784610c3e7 \ "https://bosh.io/d/github.com/cloudfoundry/diego-release?v=1.15.3"
- auctioneer
- bbs
- benchmark-bbs
- cfdot
- file_server
- locket
- rep
- rep_windows
- route_emitter
- route_emitter_windows
- ssh_proxy
- vizzini