You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry/diego-release. It was created based on the commit 2ea3ea3c
Release Notes¶
Changes from v0.1473.0 to v0.1474.0
- Verified with garden-linux-release v0.337.0.
- Verified with garden-runc-release v0.2.0.
- Verified with etcd-release v51.
- Verified with cflinuxfs2-rootfs-release v1.15.0.
Significant changes
BBS Relational Datastore (Experimental)
- As a Diego operator, I expect the BBS to migrate existing data from etcd to the relational store
- As a Diego operator, I should be able to follow documentation to deploy an single-node standalone CF-MySQL cluster on my infrastructure
- As a Diego operator, I should be able to generate a Diego manifest that uses only a relational store
- As a Diego operator, I expect to be able to upgrade from Diego 0.1434.0 targeting etcd to latest targeting MySQL without downtime
- When there is a task or LRP with a nil action, the BBS panics and fails to start
Container Placement
Container Execution
- cloudfoundry-incubator/buildpack_app_lifecycle #14: Add .profile script support
- Audit all timeouts in the API and make sure the units are consistent and labelled
- As a Diego BBS client, I would like DownloadActions and CachedDependencies optionally to be able to validate a checksum or hash
Component Coordination
- cloudfoundry-incubator/locket #1: Fix unregister service.
- As a Diego operator, I expect that the Diego services that hold locks in consul should be resilient to brief interruptions in consul cluster availability during leader elections
Volume Support (Experimental)
- Don’t call remove when unmounting a volume
- Driver Cert Suite should test for safe multiple mounts/unmounts
- Use the tls config in the json spec
BOSH 2.0 Support
App Logging
BOSH job changes
BOSH property changes
You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases
- name: "diego" version: "0.1474.0" url: "https://bosh.io/d/github.com/cloudfoundry/diego-release?v=0.1474.0" sha1: "c1dfe59c74397d9fb27778b505777f958754041b"
Or upload it to your director with the upload-release
bosh upload-release --sha1 c1dfe59c74397d9fb27778b505777f958754041b \ "https://bosh.io/d/github.com/cloudfoundry/diego-release?v=0.1474.0"