You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry/diego-release. It was created based on the commit ffbf946b
Release Notes¶
Changes from v0.1472.0 to v0.1473.0
- Verified with garden-linux-release v0.337.0.
- Verified with garden-runc-release v0.2.0.
- Verified with etcd-release v51.
- Verified with cflinuxfs2-rootfs-release v1.8.0.
Significant changes
NOTE: This version of Diego’s BOSH release introduces a post-start script to the BBS job to verify that each BBS instance is healthy even if it is not the active leader. To run correctly, this script requires the BOSH director to be on release version 225.4 or later (BOSH build 3213).
BBS Relational Datastore (Experimental)
- BBS can be configured to communicate to the relational store over SSL
- As a Diego operator, I should be able to follow documentation to deploy an single-node standalone CF-MySQL cluster on my infrastructure (in flight)
- As a Diego operator, I should be able to follow documentation to deploy an HA standalone CF-MySQL cluster on my infrastructure (in flight)
- As a Diego operator, I expect the BBS to migrate existing data from etcd to the relational store (in flight)
- As a Diego operator, I should be able to generate a Diego manifest that uses only a relational store (in flight)
- As a Diego operator, I expect to be able to upgrade from Diego 0.1434.0 targeting etcd to latest targeting MySQL without downtime (in flight)
Container Execution
Volume Support (Experimental)
- cloudfoundry-incubator/diego-release #162: Volman driver can be colocated on the Cell
- BOSH jobs running volman and voldriver should have a volmanDriverPaths property
Garden-RunC Integration
- CI should run inigo against garden-runc/guardian
- Explore the executor’s signaling behavior to garden processes with garden-runc and poorly behaving processes to discover whether there will be significant operational impact in switching from garden-linux to garden-runc
Manifest Generation
- As a Diego operator, I should be able to specify the version of the cflinuxfs2 rootfs release to deploy
- As a Diego operator, I should be able to specify the version of garden-linux in my deployment manifest via either the ‘garden-linux’ or the ‘garden_linux’ keys in the release_versions stub
BOSH job changes
BOSH property changes
- Added
: Address on which to check the BBS node for basic health and connectivity. - Added
: Whether the BBS should use SSL to connect to its relational SQL store.
You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases
- name: "diego" version: "0.1473.0" url: "https://bosh.io/d/github.com/cloudfoundry/diego-release?v=0.1473.0" sha1: "57890a1e81862c7ae84524e96269bc03b5fbcb49"
Or upload it to your director with the upload-release
bosh upload-release --sha1 57890a1e81862c7ae84524e96269bc03b5fbcb49 \ "https://bosh.io/d/github.com/cloudfoundry/diego-release?v=0.1473.0"