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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry/bosh. It was created based on the commit 3f129ffa.

Release Notes

New Features: - stemcell: openstack: Publish raw stemcells in addition to qcow2 [382e448]

Improvements: - director: Follow redirects when downloading remote stemcells/releases [5d2bb05] - stemcell: Agent is responsible for creating /var/vcap/sys symlink [7563294]


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "bosh"
  version: "137"
  url: ""
  sha1: "982b984c089fca8a291d4e199b5af91210bf0d8d"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 982b984c089fca8a291d4e199b5af91210bf0d8d \

