Stemcell OS: Microsoft Windows Server¶
The Microsoft Windows images are built from the cloudfoundry/stembuild repository. Previously, they were built from cloudfoundry/bosh-windows-stemcell-builder (deprecated).
Windows Server 2019¶
You can find the official stemcells from
Windows Server 1803¶
You can find the official stemcells from
Windows Server 2016¶
You can find the official stemcells from
Windows Server 2012 R2¶
You can find the official stemcells from
Windows stemcells will have additional costs associated with Microsoft licensing; they do not include actual Windows OS. When using light stemcells on public clouds, additional costs will be associated with your virtual machine. For more information on building Windows stemcells and running in on-premise environments, please see this Creating a Windows Stemcell for vSphere Using stembuild and Getting Started (deprecated) guide.