Creating Resources
To find out subscription and tenant ID use following commands:
All azure commands were tested with the azure-cli v[2.0.21] on Ubuntu 16.04. The azure commands may vary based on your version and OS.
az cloud set --name AzureCloud
az login
az account list --output json
Should result in:
[ { "cloudName": "AzureCloud", "id": "my-subscription-id", "isDefault": true, "name": "my-subscription-name", "state": "Enabled", "tenantId": "my-tenant-id", "user": { "name": "my-user-name", "type": "user" } } ]
If tenantId
is not present, you may be using a personal account to log in to your Azure subscription. Switch to using work or school account.
- If you are using Azure cloud in China, you should switch the cloud from
. - If you are using Azure cloud in Azure Government, you should switch the cloud from
. - If you are using Azure cloud in German Cloud, you should switch the cloud from
Once you've determined your subscription ID, switch to using that account:
az account set --subscription my-subscription-id
Register the required providers:
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Network az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Storage az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Compute
Azure CPI needs client ID and secret to make authenticated requests.
az ad app create --display-name "mycpi" --password client-secret --identifier-uris "http://mycpi" --homepage "http://mycpi"
Should result in:
{ "appId": "my-app-id", "appPermissions": null, "availableToOtherTenants": false, "displayName": "mycpi", "homepage": "http://mycpi", "identifierUris": [ "http://mycpi" ], "objectId": "my-object-id", "objectType": "Application", "replyUrls": [] }
Application ID (my-app-id
in the above output) is the client ID and specified password (client-secret
in above example) is the client secret.
Finally create service principal to enable authenticated access:
az ad sp create --id my-app-id az role assignment create --role "Contributor" --assignee "http://mycpi" --scope /subscriptions/my-subscription-id
Resource Group¶
Create a resource group in one of the supported Azure locations:
az group create --name bosh-res-group --location "Central US"
az group show --name bosh-res-group
Should result in:
{ "id": "/subscriptions/my-subscription-id/resourceGroups/bosh-res-group", "location": "centralus", "managedBy": null, "name": "bosh-res-group", "properties": { "provisioningState": "Succeeded" }, "tags": null }
Make sure to wait for 'Provisioning State' to become Succeeded
Virtual Network & Subnet¶
Create a virtual network:
az network vnet create --name boshnet --address-prefixes --resource-group bosh-res-group --location "Central US" --dns-server az network vnet subnet create --name bosh --address-prefix --vnet-name boshnet --resource-group bosh-res-group az network vnet show --name boshnet --resource-group bosh-res-group
Should result in:
{ "addressSpace": { "addressPrefixes": [ "" ] }, "dhcpOptions": { "dnsServers": [ "" ] }, "enableDdosProtection": false, "enableVmProtection": false, "etag": "W/\"e62167ab-0e8c-4e78-9d78-18d1a963da2e\"", "id": "/subscriptions/my-subscription-id/resourceGroups/bosh-res-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/boshnet", "location": "centralus", "name": "boshnet", "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "resourceGroup": "bosh-res-group", "resourceGuid": "9fa33ff9-2a3f-4139-8e03-af0cc3af67a0", "subnets": [ { "addressPrefix": "", "etag": "W/\"e62167ab-0e8c-4e78-9d78-18d1a963da2e\"", "id": "/subscriptions/my-subscription-id/resourceGroups/bosh-res-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/boshnet/subnets/bosh", "ipConfigurations": null, "name": "bosh", "networkSecurityGroup": null, "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "resourceGroup": "bosh-res-group", "resourceNavigationLinks": null, "routeTable": null, "serviceEndpoints": null } ], "tags": {}, "type": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks", "virtualNetworkPeerings": [] }
Network Security Group¶
Create two network security groups:
az network nsg create --resource-group bosh-res-group --location "Central US" --name nsg-bosh az network nsg create --resource-group bosh-res-group --location "Central US" --name nsg-cf az network nsg rule create --resource-group bosh-res-group --nsg-name nsg-bosh --access Allow --protocol Tcp --direction Inbound --priority 200 --source-address-prefix Internet --source-port-range '*' --destination-address-prefix '*' --name 'ssh' --destination-port-range 22 az network nsg rule create --resource-group bosh-res-group --nsg-name nsg-bosh --access Allow --protocol Tcp --direction Inbound --priority 201 --source-address-prefix Internet --source-port-range '*' --destination-address-prefix '*' --name 'bosh-agent' --destination-port-range 6868 az network nsg rule create --resource-group bosh-res-group --nsg-name nsg-bosh --access Allow --protocol Tcp --direction Inbound --priority 202 --source-address-prefix Internet --source-port-range '*' --destination-address-prefix '*' --name 'bosh-director' --destination-port-range 25555 az network nsg rule create --resource-group bosh-res-group --nsg-name nsg-bosh --access Allow --protocol '*' --direction Inbound --priority 203 --source-address-prefix Internet --source-port-range '*' --destination-address-prefix '*' --name 'dns' --destination-port-range 53 az network nsg rule create --resource-group bosh-res-group --nsg-name nsg-cf --access Allow --protocol Tcp --direction Inbound --priority 201 --source-address-prefix Internet --source-port-range '*' --destination-address-prefix '*' --name 'cf-https' --destination-port-range 443 az network nsg rule create --resource-group bosh-res-group --nsg-name nsg-cf --access Allow --protocol Tcp --direction Inbound --priority 202 --source-address-prefix Internet --source-port-range '*' --destination-address-prefix '*' --name 'cf-log' --destination-port-range 4443
Public IPs¶
To make certain VMs publicly accessible, you will need to create a Public IP. If Azure Availability Zones is used in AZs, the Public IP should be created with type Standard SKU
; otherwise, you can use the default Basic SKU
az network public-ip create --name my-public-ip --allocation-method Static --resource-group bosh-res-group --location "Central US" --sku Basic # sku should be `Standard' when using Azure Availability Zones az network public-ip show --name my-public-ip --resource-group bosh-res-group
Should result in:
{ "dnsSettings": null, "etag": "W/\"b3686484-21fe-470a-a059-32d02b4f9589\"", "id": "/subscriptions/my-subscription-id/resourceGroups/bosh-res-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/my-public-ip", "idleTimeoutInMinutes": 4, "ipAddress": "", "ipConfiguration": null, "location": "centralus", "name": "my-public-ip", "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "publicIpAddressVersion": "IPv4", "publicIpAllocationMethod": "Static", "resourceGroup": "bosh-res-group", "resourceGuid": "a25d2f1e-d8f7-4258-9c83-7c30e4a2c270", "sku": { "name": "Basic" }, "tags": null, "type": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses", "zones": null }
You can skip below section if you are using managed disks with Azure CPI v21+
Storage Account¶
Create a default storage account to hold root disks, persistent disks, stemcells, etc.
If unsure of desired SKU Name, choose LRS
, desired Kind, choose Storage
az storage account create --name myboshstore --resource-group bosh-res-group --location "Central US"
az storage account show --name myboshstore --resource-group bosh-res-group
Should result in:
{ "accessTier": null, "creationTime": "2017-11-21T03:36:36.568159+00:00", "customDomain": null, "enableHttpsTrafficOnly": false, "encryption": { "keySource": "Microsoft.Storage", "keyVaultProperties": null, "services": { "blob": { "enabled": true, "lastEnabledTime": "2017-11-21T03:36:36.571160+00:00" }, "file": { "enabled": true, "lastEnabledTime": "2017-11-21T03:36:36.571160+00:00" }, "queue": null, "table": null } }, "id": "/subscriptions/my-subscription-id/resourceGroups/bosh-res-group/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/myboshstore", "identity": null, "kind": "Storage", "lastGeoFailoverTime": null, "location": "centralus", "name": "myboshstore", "networkRuleSet": { "bypass": "AzureServices", "defaultAction": "Allow", "ipRules": [], "virtualNetworkRules": [] }, "primaryEndpoints": { "blob": "", "file": "", "queue": "", "table": "" }, "primaryLocation": "centralus", "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "resourceGroup": "bosh-res-group", "secondaryEndpoints": { "blob": "", "file": null, "queue": "", "table": "" }, "secondaryLocation": "eastus2", "sku": { "capabilities": null, "kind": null, "locations": null, "name": "Standard_RAGRS", "resourceType": null, "restrictions": null, "tier": "Standard" }, "statusOfPrimary": "available", "statusOfSecondary": "available", "tags": {}, "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" }
Even if create command returns an error, check whether the storage account is created successfully via storage account show
Once storage account is created you can retrieve primary storage access key:
az storage account keys list --account-name myboshstore --resource-group bosh-res-group
Should result in:
[ { "keyName": "key1", "permissions": "Full", "value": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" }, { "keyName": "key2", "permissions": "Full", "value": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" } ]
Storage Account Containers¶
CPI expects to find bosh
and stemcell
containers within a default storage account:
container is used for storing root and persistent disks.stemcell
container is used for storing uploaded stemcells.
If you are planning to use multiple storage accounts, make sure to set stemcell container permissions to "Public read access for blobs only".
az storage container create --name bosh --account-name myboshstore --account-key xxx az storage container create --name stemcell --account-name myboshstore --account-key xxx --public-access blob az storage container list --account-name myboshstore --account-key xxx
Should result in:
[ { "metadata": null, "name": "bosh", "properties": { "etag": "\"0x8D53091C3074416\"", "lastModified": "2017-11-21T03:41:34+00:00", "lease": { "duration": null, "state": null, "status": null }, "leaseDuration": null, "leaseState": "available", "leaseStatus": "unlocked", "publicAccess": null } }, { "metadata": null, "name": "stemcell", "properties": { "etag": "\"0x8D53091FB97748E\"", "lastModified": "2017-11-21T03:43:09+00:00", "lease": { "duration": null, "state": null, "status": null }, "leaseDuration": null, "leaseState": "available", "leaseStatus": "unlocked", "publicAccess": "blob" } } ]
Storage Account Tables¶
To support multiple storage accounts, you need to create the following tables in the default storage account:
is used to store metadata of stemcells in multiple storage accounts
az storage table create --name stemcells --account-name myboshstore --account-key xxx az storage table list --account-name myboshstore --account-key xxx
Should result in:
[ { "name": "stemcells" } ]
Compute Gallery¶
You can skip this section if you are not planning to use the compute gallery feature.
Create a compute gallery to store VM images:
az sig create --resource-group bosh-res-group --gallery-name boshgallery --location "Central US"
Should result in:
{ "id": "/subscriptions/my-subscription-id/resourceGroups/bosh-res-group/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/boshgallery", "identifier": { "uniqueName": "cbba8e52-d657-499e-a8ac-eafbc751129b-BOSHGALLERY" }, "location": "centralus", "name": "boshgallery", "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "resourceGroup": "bosh-res-group", "type": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries" }