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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry-community/admin-ui-boshrelease. It was created based on the commit 0ec972bb.

Release Notes

feature list: - include latest sources of admin-ui ( - support CF > v227 - blobs: ruby 2.2.4, bundler 1.11.2, libyaml 0.1.5, uaac 3.1.5 - support of passing multiple users for group assignment - increase monit memory limit - add doppler_data_file configuration


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "admin-ui"
  version: "7"
  url: ""
  sha1: "f98bde67ce6ed9a0ab2c414277d0508ffd587711"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 f98bde67ce6ed9a0ab2c414277d0508ffd587711 \

